For more patent inflation lobbying, read the latest brochure from the European patent office...
We should reward innovative software with patents because:
- Solutions for things like media detection, compression and encryption are very hard to come up with.
- Software solutions are easy to imitate and not well protected under copyright.
- There is no real surge in litigation and the demand is still growing.
- More and more stuff is controlled by software - and those things have always been protected by patents.
What are the best arguments against? My Pick:
- Patenting data processing, how to work with information, is too abstract and just the same as patenting business methods and office work.
- The effort in software development is foremost getting the code to work well in a complex environment, and this work is mostly covered under copyright.
- Insurances against software patent infringement got too expensive, litigation is too expensive and kills smaller players
- Software should be irrelevant to patents on any computer controlled process that is patented.
It's quite easy to understand if you think about what the invention might be in a computer controlled Anti-lock Breaking System.